Make The Most Of Our Retirement

Embracing Our Retirement Years

Making The Most Of Our Retirement Years.

Retirement can truly be the best days of our lives, especially if we take very good care of our health, this helps us make the most of this time in our lives.

Ensuring a healthy lifestyle during your golden years is paramount to enjoying all the freedoms and opportunities that come with retirement.

A healthy retirement starts with a balanced lifestyle. This includes a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and routine medical check-ups.

By making smart food choices and staying physically active, you can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases, enhance your mobility, and improve your overall quality of life.

Regular visits to your healthcare provider ensure that any health issues are detected and managed early.

Physical activity is crucial for both physical and mental health. Engaging in activities such as walking, swimming, or yoga can keep your body strong and flexible.

Additionally, staying socially active by joining clubs, volunteering, or taking up new hobbies can help keep your mind sharp and ward off feelings of isolation and depression. Social connections and mental stimulation are vital components of a fulfilling retirement.

Good mental health is just as important as physical health. Practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and engaging in mentally stimulating activities like reading or puzzles can enhance your mental well-being.

Seeking support from friends, family, or professional counselors can also be beneficial in managing stress and maintaining a positive outlook on life.

Our Health Is Essential To A Happy Retirement.

As we move past 70 on the scoreboard, we can become slightly more prone to injury and illness, whether it’s from brittle skin or low bone density, muscle size loss or the dreaded Flu.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle, staying active and engaged, and prioritizing your mental health, you can ensure that your retirement years are truly the best days of your life.

Remember, it is never too late to begin taking steps towards a healthier and happier retirement.

Although we will naturally want to slow down and may have less energy than before, doing a little exercise each day can be extremely beneficial at this point in our lives.

A healthy diet, plenty of water, regular walking, and certain types of strength-building exercises help us make the most of our senior years.  

Let us love and enjoy these years rather than simply living or existing beyond the age of 70.

Better living in your retirement years.

If you’ve recently retired and are still getting used to the idea of not going to work, there’s a good chance your body clock still has you getting up early every day.  

Rather than waste this early start, let’s see how we can put it to good use.  Why not throw on your exercise clothes, including your favourite pair of trainers and see how many steps you can do today?

To keep track of your steps each day and keep an eye on your heart rate, see how many calories you are burning up and how far you’ve actually walked, you can buy a Smart Watch.  

The Smart Watch is an amazing innovation, it’s worn comfortably on your wrist and you can even link them to your smart phone.  

If you normally take the dog for a walk with you each morning, then the Smart Watch can also be a useful tool for reporting on your dogs exercise to the vet.

There are three types of smart watches that come to mind and they range in complexity and price.  

The first one is the basic fitness tracker and this type of Smart Watch was for a long time probably the most popular Smart Watch option.

The basic fitness tracker effectively tracks your steps and calorie burn and for a lot of people that’s well and truly good enough.  

The next jump in technology is the Hybrid Smart Watch and they offer more advanced fitness monitoring and tracking abilities.  

Their features include heart rate monitoring and GPS tracking and both if these features have been great innovations in safety for us. 

The most complex of the Smart Watches available are called ‘Full Featured Smart Watches’.  

They are the most advanced of the Smart Watch options and as the name suggests, they are jam packed full of features and will even keep any eye on you as you sleep.

Getting a Smart Watch with a built-in GPS receiver is, in my opinion, a fantastic idea for those of us over the age of 70.   The GPS feature will show you where you are and where you have been.  

These watches can be a life-saving device in the event of an emergency, as they can call for help.

There will be some sort of button on this type of Smart Watch that will let the first responders know between 98 to 99% accurately where you are.  

I personally like the Garmin Smart Watches for this purpose as they are one of the most accurate on the market.

Looking after ourselves when we live in rural towns.

There are few things better than living in a town or city you adore.  Whether you live in a remote country town, a rural area just a few hours outside of the city, or in the heart of an exciting metropolis.

For the majority of our lives, our much-loved living situation will function perfectly well.   Sure, you may have the occasional issue where you need to see a specialist because there are none within a 4-8 hour drive of where you live, but you manage.

You may have to wait 2 to 3 weeks for an appointment with your doctor, which can be difficult when you are very sick. However, the majority of the time, this is not an issue, so there is no reason to be critical of where you live.

Another issue you may have been able to live with for many years is the lack of a hospital, an emergency clinic, a doctor on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or any medical diagnostic equipment such as X-Ray, CT scan, MRI, Pathology Laboratory or even ultrasound machine.

So, if you are a little cut off from the mainstream services that living in the city offers, then it’s probably worthwhile making sure you are at least well equipped at home.  

You can buy just about everything you can possibly imagine online and make sure that you and your partner and can look after each other for minor issues.

A lot of these items are not that expensive either and might come in handy if you are on the phone with a doctor or nurse from the nearest town with a medical practice or a hospital. 

You can buy blood pressure monitors, digital thermometers, blood oxygen saturation monitors, all manner of bandages and braces that might provide some initial assistance until you can drive to the nearest healthcare professional.

Seniors Specific Insurance Policies.

Many retirees and pensions out there might have had the same automotive and home insurance policies for many years, if not our entire adult lives.

You might also be enjoying the financial advantage of having a combined auto and home insurance policy.  

The question is though, are you aware that you can now probably save quite a few dollars by shopping around for insurance that is specifically for seniors?

Not only is there the great potential to save money on your car and home insurance but with these seniors only insurance policies, you can often include additional insurance policies for your pets, funeral and even landlord insurance.

It’s could even be one of those tremendously rare situations where you might walk away feeling very lucky to be over 55 years of age. 

So be sure to give these companies either a call or a website visit if you are about to head off on a long caravanning holiday around your country.

Apart from having the piece of mind that everything is covered, having all of your insurance needs through the one senior aged people specialist company can make it very easy to keep track on all of your policies.  

Whether it’s your caravan, motorbike, motor-home or boat, you might end up saving quite a few dollars in the process of getting them all under the one banner.

Cut back on the junk food & make smart food choices.

As we progress past a certain age, our nutritional needs change and become somewhat unique.   Your diet may need to change soon due to one or more health conditions you may be unaware of.  

This is why we should see a doctor on a regular basis; they can run a variety of pathology tests to determine if there’s anything wrong with us internally.

Your doctor can put you in touch with a dietitian.   A dietitian can get you all sorted out with your food and general nutrition needs.  

They know what steps we need to take to improve our health and overall well-being.   There is one easy thing we can do to improve our diet that simply require patience on our part while shopping, as well as you remembering to bring our reading glasses. 

Before you put something in your shopping cart, read the label.

Choose foods with little to no added sugar, saturated fats, or sodium/salt rather than the first item that looks appealing.  

Depending on how much protein and what types of vitamins or minerals your dietitian recommends you consume each day or week, you may need to start writing out a list of exactly what you need to buy before you go shopping.

There is simply no better way for me to ensure that I add the right type of meat, dairy, soy, nuts, beans, peas, and other types of fruit and vegetables to your basket each time you go shopping than by making a list detailing exactly what I will be buying. 

I also find that if I eat a small meal before going shopping, I’m more likely to stick to my list and get in and out of the supermarket much faster.  

Good nutrition is important because it gives us energy and can help us control our weight.   If you don’t buy ice cream, lollies, or chocolate, these items won’t be in your cupboard or fridge to tempt you to eat the wrong thing.

We need to follow dietary advice when a healthcare professional gives it to us; this is how we can help avoid contracting certain diseases/ailments.  

Adjustments to our shopping and consumption habits can go a long way toward building a healthier future for us.  

Even if you feel less hungry these days, be sure to eat the right type and portion size of food.   We need to make sure we eat our minimum requirement of calories as well.   

Due to decreased appetite it’s likely that you now might be eating much less than you did several years ago.  So when we do eat, we need to make sure it’s a healthy and balanced meal.  

If our calorie intake is too low it can lead to deficient levels of vitamins and minerals and your doctor or dietitian may recommend that you start taking certain vitamins etc each morning.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help stay hydrated, avoid becoming dehydrated make sure we digest our food and nutrients effectively. 

Even if drinking the right amount of water means you find yourself urinating far more than you like, don’t let yourself become dehydrated.   

Refrain from sugary and caffeine rich soft drinks as much as you can and just get in the habit of taking a water bottle with you everywhere you go.  

Summer can be a problematic time for people that don’t drink enough water.   Without adequate hydration you could end up experiencing a urinary tract infection (UTI) which can lead to other medical conditions.

Get a good night’s sleep & contact your GP if you need help.

Prolonged periods of little or no sleep can have a number of negative health consequences.   High blood pressure is one of the more serious issues you can face.  

Long periods of high blood pressure, as you may have heard, can harm your kidneys and vision, so it’s best to avoid this type of situation.   Some people experience frightening heart palpitations as well.

One thing is certain: until you’ve gone without sleep for an extended period of time, you’ll never understand how important it is to us.  

One of the most frightening things I’ve discovered about sleep issues/insomnia is that it only takes three bad nights of sleep to completely de-stabilise our sleep ability.  

On the other hand, there is some good news: it only takes three good nights of sleep to get back into a good sleep pattern/system.

Furthermore, if we don’t get enough of the right kind of sleep, we can develop some unhealthy habits and find it difficult to avoid negative emotions like anger and irritability.  

Your personality may suffer as a result, and you will no longer be yourself.   You may find yourself feeling stressed on a regular basis, with low energy levels and little motivation to do anything physical.

I’ve read articles about people gaining up to 15 kg in just two years of dealing with severe sleep problems.   You’re constantly hungry and end up eating far too much fast/junk food because you’re too tired to cook yourself a decent healthy meal.  

Unfortunately, your unhealthy habits may not register with you consciously; you may find yourself with a self-preservation or mental health filter.

Your poor old brain will simply not engage properly at work unless you consume excessive amounts of coffee, which may exacerbate the blood pressure issues caused by lack of sleep.  

A life without sleep is not a life at all.   Each negative thing contributes to the next negative thing, and it just keeps going round and round in what I call a circle of despair, and it’ll get increasingly worse if you don’t seek help from your doctor and/or sleep specialist.  

If we only remember one thing from this article, it should be that we should not hesitate to schedule an appointment with our doctor the moment you realise your sleep cycle is fractured.

Many of the causes of insomnia appear to be related to how we live our lives and can even be related to what is going on in our lives. 

Physical illness, work or relationship stress, anxiety, excessive smoking, drinking, and watching TV too close to going to bed, or fiddling with our phones or tablets while in bed can all disrupt our sleep. 

Watching TV and using small screen devices can trick our minds and bodies into thinking we want to be active rather than sleep.   When most people have sleeping problems, they appear to rush to the chemist and request sleeping pills.  

However, there is a problem with this solution: some sleeping pills can be addictive.   Natural alternatives are available from companies such as Natures Own, Blackmores, and Swisse these days.   

Your doctor and/or sleep specialist will work with you to identify any underlying issues that may be interfering with your sleep; there may be an undiagnosed medical condition causing your insomnia.  

As a result, this emphasises the importance of contacting your doctor as soon as you notice sleep problems.

Once you’ve gotten your sleep back on track, make a habit of waking up and going to bed at the same time every day, preferably with an 8-hour sleep window in mind.  

Another useful tip is to begin exercising during the day so that you are tired before going to bed.   Do not work in your bedroom; it should only be used for sleeping. Avoid napping during the day.  

Avoid eating too close to going to bed; it is widely accepted that there should be a three-hour gap between when you eat and when you go to bed.

In the evening, avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine-containing beverages.   If you are one of the few people who still smoke, you should avoid doing so too close to when you intend to sleep.  

Consider researching various calming and soothing techniques strategies that are now available to us, and make sure your bedroom is at a comfortable temperature for sleeping before going to bed; the optimum temperature I’ve found and which appears to be supported by many sources is around 19 degrees Celsius.

Thick curtains, specifically referred to as ‘Block out Curtains,’ can be used to block any morning sun or light from street lights.   Certain types of music can also help you fall asleep. 

Music is a powerful form of expression, and it is well known for inspiring people to sing and dance, but it also has the ability to help us sleep.

Listening to certain types of relaxing music can help us fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more rested.  

Solfeggio Frequencies and 432 Hz Music can benefit our sleep because certain sounds have a warm and pleasant effect on us.

Is your snoring preventing your from waking up refreshed?

A Sleep Apnea machines are one of the best things to ever be invented for someone that just found out that their snoring is doing them harm.

It’s unsettling when people first discover they have Sleep Apnea because it’s a very serious sleep disorder in which we can stop breathing for a dozen or so seconds or more at a time, which is terrifying. 

You’ll need to get a sleep study, which may sound awful, but it’s not the end of the world, according to my sources.  

In my mind, I’m not sure how people are supposed to sleep in those situations; everything appears very clinical and non-sleep-inducing, but I suppose they’re necessary for determining what the next steps are.

While I’ve been fortunate to avoid Sleep Apnea thus far, I’ve heard from close friends about how terrifying it can be to be laying on your back and aware that you’re struggling to breathe but can’t seem to do anything about it.   Friends have stated that they are aware of what is going on and keep telling themselves that they must roll over to their sides to stop it.

But, of course, that doesn’t happen as easily as they would like, and they just can’t seem to move, feeling helpless at times.   

Thankfully, they must have won at some point because they are here to assist me in writing this information about Seep Apnea.

Sleep Apnea machines provide us with a constant supply of pressurized air through tubing into the mask we wear whilst we sleep. 

The older style machines used to receive a fair bit of criticism and I think the biggest issue was they because of their bulkiness; it was really hard to get to sleep wearing one.  

The good news is that many years of research has resulted in some brilliant innovation and the newer masks are much more comfortable and easier to use than older models.

Our goal is to get a better night’s sleep and say goodbye to those breathing issues that prevent our bodies from supplying enough oxygen to the brain.  

The thing that scares the pants off me is that in severe cases I’ve read that the lack of oxygen can lead to brain damage.

So I guess it’s no wonder that millions, if not billions has probably going into coming up with a mask that is comfortable.  

Thankfully, the newer masks are smaller and lighter and nicely just rest under the nose without covering the mouth, or you whole face in the worst cases of the older units.

Sleep Apnea machines treat a couple of sleep disorders where your breathing is interrupted during your sleep.

Amazingly they reckon that these sleep interruptions can happen as much a hundred times in a single night, if not more.  

The problems with Sleep Apnea don’t even stop with possible brain damage (as if that wasn’t bad enough), it can contribute towards problems we might have with high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and even diabetes if you believe everything you read.  

Honestly, even if they are only half right on this subject, it’s still very much worth going to see your doctor and get some help if you even suspect you are having issues in this area.

Finally, be sure to keep your Sleep Apnea machine clean, the last thing you will need is some other problem happening during the night whilst using the machine.  

If you don’t keep them clean, you might get bacteria and mould come along and create problems for you.

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